프로축구 K리그1 광주FC 이정효 감독이 또 한 번의 반란을 예고했다. 2025시즌 개막을 앞둔 광주에는 많은 변화가 있었다. 허율, 이희균, 정호연 등 ‘정효볼’ 핵심 멤버들의 대거 이탈이 있었다. 이에 마철준 수석코치 체제로 새 판을 짰고, ‘원클럽맨’ 이민기를 필두로 이강현, 김진호가 새로운 주장단을 구성했다. 파워볼사이트 변화의 시즌인 만큼 우려의 시선이 이정효 감독에게 쏠린다. 네 번째 시즌을 앞둔 […]
National team captain Son Heung-min mentions the issue of coach selection… “It’s bound to take time.” Received ‘national team questions’ ahead of friendly match against Newcastle… “Find the right director” Son Heung-min (Tottenham), captain of the Korean national soccer team, said of the current situation of spending the June international match period under the ‘temporary […]
Winter and Summer Sports Star for the Disabled’ Kim Yun-ji Wins Three Gold Medals at the National Sports Festival for the Disabled Yunji Kim (17, Seoul City) won three gold medals in swimming at the 43rd National Sports Festival for the Disabled. Yunji Kim won the women’s 100m freestyle (S5, S6 combined event) held at […]
British media “Son Heung-min discusses new contract with Tottenham… official negotiations this summer” Football Insider reports Son Heung-min’s ‘Munich transfer rumor’, “Saudi teams are interested” A local report has emerged that Korean soccer star Son Heung-min is discussing a new contract behind closed doors with Tottenham (England) even as he is receiving interest from Saudi […]
Canoe signs Cho Kwang-hee and Jang Sang-won narrowly miss out on participating in the Paris Olympics 2nd place in the final qualifying round by 0.189 seconds… Cho Kwang-hee’s third consecutive Olympic appearance canceled. Korea’s canoe team, Kwang-hee Cho (Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall) and Sang-won Jang (Incheon Yeonsu-gu Office), who teamed up to win a silver […]
Son Heung-min Questioned the Referee Before the Penalty Shootout… “Why Don’t you Follow the Rules?” Saudi Arabia’s former referee designates one side of the penalty shootout goal, Son Heung-min demands a ‘coin toss’ decision according to regulations The fierce 2023 Asian Football Confederation (AFC) Qatar Asian Cup round of 16 match against Saudi Arabia. An […]
Minister Yoo In-chon, Shin Jin-seo, Who Won 6 Games in a Row said, “You did a Great Job” Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yoo In-chon congratulated 9th dan Shin Jin-seo, who led the comeback victory in the ‘Three Kingdoms of Baduk’ Nongshim Shin Ramyun Cup. On the 26th, Minister Yoo In-chon met with Shin […]
Lee Kang-in Visits London to Apologize to Son Heung-min National soccer team midfielder Lee Kang-in (Paris Saint-Germain) announced that he went to London, England and personally apologized to Son Heung-min (Tottenham). Lee Kang-in posted an apology on his Instagram on the 21st. In the apology, Lee Kang-in said, “During the last Asian Cup, my short […]