프로축구 광주 이정효 감독 “우려를 기대로 만들겠다”

프로축구 K리그1 광주FC 이정효 감독이 또 한 번의 반란을 예고했다. 2025시즌 개막을 앞둔 광주에는 많은 변화가 있었다. 허율, 이희균, 정호연 등 ‘정효볼’ 핵심 멤버들의 대거 이탈이 있었다. 이에 마철준 수석코치 체제로 새 판을 짰고, ‘원클럽맨’ 이민기를 필두로 이강현, 김진호가 새로운 주장단을 구성했다. 파워볼사이트 변화의 시즌인 만큼 우려의 시선이 이정효 감독에게 쏠린다. 네 번째 시즌을 앞둔 […]

Son Heung-min Mentions the Issue of Coach Selection

National team captain Son Heung-min mentions the issue of coach selection… “It’s bound to take time.” Received ‘national team questions’ ahead of friendly match against Newcastle… “Find the right director” Son Heung-min (Tottenham), captain of the Korean national soccer team, said of the current situation of spending the June international match period under the ‘temporary […]

Son Heung-min Discusses New Contract with Tottenham

British media “Son Heung-min discusses new contract with Tottenham… official negotiations this summer” Football Insider reports Son Heung-min’s ‘Munich transfer rumor’, “Saudi teams are interested” A local report has emerged that Korean soccer star Son Heung-min is discussing a new contract behind closed doors with Tottenham (England) even as he is receiving interest from Saudi […]

Canoe Signs Cho Kwang-hee and Jang Sang-won

Canoe signs Cho Kwang-hee and Jang Sang-won narrowly miss out on participating in the Paris Olympics 2nd place in the final qualifying round by 0.189 seconds… Cho Kwang-hee’s third consecutive Olympic appearance canceled. Korea’s canoe team, Kwang-hee Cho (Ulsan Metropolitan City Hall) and Sang-won Jang (Incheon Yeonsu-gu Office), who teamed up to win a silver […]