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Can professional basketball player Changwon LG’s guard Lee Kwan-hee (35) become a butterfly? During the last off-season, Lee Kwan-hee appeared in Season 3 of Netflix’s original dating program ‘Solo Hell’ and garnered a lot of attention .Solo Hell is a program where six young single men and women are trapped on an uninhabited island called Hell Island and explore each other, and if they are in love, enjoy a date at a luxury resort called Heaven Island. Lee Kwan-hee showed honest and unique charm in this program, and sucked up all the buzz of Solo Hell Season 3 like a black hole. The number of his social media (SNS) followers was less than 70,000 in early December last year before the program started, but it has increased exponentially since then, reaching about 840,000.

Lee Kwan-hee gained great popularity through reality programs and returned as a basketball player rather than an ‘influencer’ who devoted himself to broadcasting activities .Lee Kwan-hee, who filmed for broadcast only during the off-season when there was no training schedule for the club, returned to his regular job as a basketball player and concentrated on preparing for the season, shedding a drop of sweat on the court .As a veteran, Lee Kwan-hee plays an average of 20 minutes and 41 seconds this season and is responsible for 9.8 points, the second most on the team after Assem Marey (16.2 points), Yang Hong-seok (12.8 points), and Lee Jae-do (11.1 points).

As of the 22nd, LG is in a fierce battle for third place with 20 wins and 13 losses. Attention is being paid to whether Lee Kwan-hee’s tremendous popularity will go beyond the individual and lead to the popularity of the LG team and Korean basketball. Before the program aired, the number of LG Club’s SNS followers increased by an average of 100 per week, but after the last episode aired, it soared to nearly 4,000 per week .LG’s strong performance this season may have had a greater impact, but compared to the same period last season (rounds 1 to 3), the average number of home spectators for LG increased by nearly 60%, even though the average 온라인카지노 attendance for all professional basketball games increased by about 24%.

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